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Missy B Happy

Hooping and life wisdom

3 Ways Hooping Helped Me Build Confidence

Being confident and loving yourself is one of the hardest things to have in the society we live in today. There’s just so much comparison and unrealistic expectations that we, especially as women, put on ourselves that stunts your growth, distracts us from true happiness, and causes anxiety/social anxiety and depression.

The good news is that self-confidence and self-esteem isn’t inherited, it’s a skill that can be learned!

It’s time to ask yourself, “Why is building self-confidence important to you?” Do you ever find yourself sitting alone at a party or gathering, wishing that you can interact with people? Maybe you’ve started dating and want to make a good impression when you meet a potential love interest.

The first step in building self-confidence is knowing WHY you want to achieve it. Find your purpose.

For as long as I can remember, I had always been the “quiet one.” As a child, I used to hide behind my mom when strangers would come up to us. When I would attend family gatherings, I would sit in a secluded room and away from people because I felt like I didn’t have anything to contribute. Even up until early adulthood, I was still cowering away from big groups and not participating in what looked like really fun activities.

I would think to myself, “why is so hard to go out there and make friends? Why aren’t you enjoying life to the fullest. You are a grown a** women still acting as though you’re 5 years old cowering behind whatever you can find. This is so silly! All of the people you know are laughing and smiling, and doing amazing things with their lives – why aren’t you?!

My focus shifted and my purpose was so strong, I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I was internally screaming – HEY! LIFE IS SHORT TO BE SITTING ON THE SIDE LINES. I began to open my heart and mind to my endless creative potential. I started educating myself and reading self-help books. I went shopping and bought some clothes that made me feel pretty. My only best friend at the time dragged me to my first music and art festival where I furthered my self discovery, and was given permission to be as weird as I wanted to be and still be accepted.

My desire to live loudly started to grow….

My desire to live loudly started to grow and it was around that time where I decided to pick up hooping. This new found confidence didn’t happen overnight. Consistent practice of learning new things and getting out of your comfort zone is the key to growth.

When I first started hooping, I remember practicing inside my tiny apartment for a full year, 2 hours a day every day and basically taught myself because I was afraid to go out into public. When I was finally able to hoop around the waist consistently and do a few tricks, I decided it was time to step outside and hoop at a public park.

I’m not going to sugar coat this – be prepared if you’re planning to hoop in public! People will stare and a lot of times crowd around you like you’re entertainment. “Dance monkey dance! Do something cool!” People will come up to you and ask you questions as though you’re a hoop expert even though you’re not.

Hooping was the biggest catalyst that helped me build confidence and self-esteem! 

It wasn’t easy at first, but I learned to embrace those public interactions. This was the perfect opportunity to chat with strangers about something I loved. Not only was I building social skills, but I was also building my self-confidence because the topic was something that I was passionate about.

Hooping was the biggest catalyst that helped me build confidence and self-esteem! 

For nearly three years after I started hooping, I hosted hoop jams at a public park every single weekend and I began to teach beginner hoop classes. You can imagine the amount of opportunities I had to practice with my local community. It was phenomenal! I also brought hooping to my place of work every single day, and it inspired dozens of co-workers to start hooping with me. I even hooped at our company’s annual meeting with the CEO!

There are three main things that hooping has taught me which attributed to my newfound confidence and self-esteem:

  1. Body awareness: Sometimes, if people have difficulties with body awareness, they may appear clumsy, uncoordinated, or have delays in motor skills. When you start hooping, you begin to feel and move parts of your body that you probably weren’t aware of before, especially when you start to learn new moves and tricks. Why is body awareness so important? It helps us know how they move and work, and even how they feel. It also helps us understand how to relate to objects and people.
  2. Being Present In The Moment: When you start hooping…like really start to hoop, you get into the “zone” or some may call it the “flow state.” You inadvertently become present with your hoop; only able to focus on your breathe, how you feel, and your movement. There’s nothing quite like it.
  3. Self-worth: I use to be scared of doing anything in public because I feared being the center of attention and people judging me. However, the more I hooped, the more I realize – HEY I’m doing this solely for myself and no one else. I’m reaping benefits on SO many levels; why not share my knowledge? We all deserve to live out loud and be proud of all of our accomplishments. There’s no sense in hiding anymore. Appreciate what you have to give the world without looking at anyone else for comparison. Learn what makes you YOU and embrace all of your unique qualities.

Are you struggling with confidence? If so, what is your WHY? Why do want to change? What steps have you taken to move yourself forward and grow? Or maybe you have a success story. Either way, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please share and leave a comment below. 🙂

Hooping for Health
Hooping For Health

Hooping for Back Pain

Have you ever found yourself sitting in front of the computer or on your phone for hours on end, and then later realize that you don’t remember the last time you actually got up and walked around. When was the last time you went to the bathroom or drank water?!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor am I any kind of professional in the medical field. You know your body better than anyone. If you’re experiencing abnormal aches and pain, you may want to check with your doctor before trying anything new. With that out of the way, let’s continue.

Before we can get into how hooping can potentially help with back pain, we first need to understand one of the main reasons why we have back pain in the first place.

Many of us spend over 6 hours or more sitting down every single day, and a expanding rear end isn’t the only thing that is happening. Sitting can have both short and long term effects on your body and health, making this seemingly overlooked activity highly detrimental.

This infographic by Washington Post breaks down some of the most unsettling side effects of sitting down all day.

What goes wrong in our bodies when we park ourselves for nearly eight hours per day? A chain of problems from head to toe.

“If you don’t use it, you lose it!”

By sitting all day, your muscles loosens and weakens throughout your body. Without strong legs and glutes, our lower body becomes unable to holds us up when sitting down or keep us stable when walking or doing other activities, putting us at risk of injury.

Another obvious yet often ignored consequence of sitting for long hours is poor circulation. Poor circulation can cause blood pool in the legs and feet, which can lead to varicose veins, swollen ankles, or even dangerous blood cots!

The longer you sit and maintain bad posture, the more likely you are to experience chronic pain in areas such as your neck, shoulders, back, hips, and legs. According to a National Health Statistics Report by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), over 50% of American adults have some type of musculoskeletal pain-disorder-pain in the lower back, sciatica, neck, joints, as well as other related conditions – while 20.3% reported having lower back pain.

Anybody can (and should) reduce the effects of their sedentary lifestyles by simply getting up and moving more. So there’s no need to don’t quit your desk job, stop watching moves, or going on long car rides.

The best way to offset the side effects of sitting at a desk for hours is to really maintain a constant stream of activity throughout the day, everyday. You can do this by taking regular breaks and going for out for a quick walk or…..grab a hula hoop and waist hoop to two or three of your favorite tunes!

How does hula hooping help with back pain?

Hula hooping is a low impact exercise, so just about anybody can do this. When you’re hooping around the waist, you are literally moving your entire body, increasing your circulation and flexibility, and strengthening your core muscles. All of these things make for a great remedy for back pain, an increase in energy, weight loss, and overall healthy body.

All you have to do is to get yourself a nice big beginner hula hoop that is approximately half the size of your body or bigger and start hooping. You don’t need a big studio or lots of space to hula hoop. Try hooping by your desk at work, in your living room or bedroom, but of course there’s also outside. If you don’t know how to hula hoop, check out some beginner hoop tutorial here.

Of course, it also helps to stay fit by finding ways to increase your daily physical activity. It may take some getting used to, but if it can prevent you from suffering any sitting-related health issues, then it’s certainly worth the effort.

Buy one beginner hoop and get a FREE gift!
Offer ends on Mother’s Day May 12th.