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May 2017

Hoop Making, Hoop Making Information, Hoop Making Supplies, Hooping and life wisdom, Hoopologie Team

Common Questions Regarding Hoop Making Supplies

Beginning your hoop-making journey can be a little intimidating, but fret not! We are here to help you make this as easy as possible while answering many of the basic questions you might have as you start out.

Supplies Needed for Making Hoops

–       TubingHoop Making Tools

–       Pipe cutters

–       Riveter

–       Handheld power drill or drill press

–       Drill bits

–       Push buttons

–       Rivets

–       Tape measure

–       Super glue (to glue gaffer tape ends down – optional)

–            Other supplies you may need depending on the type of hoop you are making include decorative tape, 3M crystal clear protection tape to cover decorative tape, and gaffer tape or 3M grip tape to add grip to a hoop. Gaffer adds a nice subtle grip, while 3M grip tape provides a super grip that many people love. Some people prefer to have their hoop bare with no grip, and others may prefer to have the hoop sanded with sandpaper or waxed with hoop wax for a more natural grip that doesn’t add any weight to the hoop.

Extra Info on Rivets, Snap Buttons, and Drill Bits

Rivets are used to secure one side of the insert piece to the hoop, while push buttons are used on the other side of the insert piece to make a hoop collapsible. The push button allows you open up the hoop and coil it down for travel! While push buttons are not necessary, they are used in most hoop connections for convenience in shipping and traveling.

Snap Button Sizes:16722554_10211755333659835_2051387370843782493_o

Extra Small snaps are for 1/2″ hoops (3/8” insert material)

Small snaps are for 5/8″ hoops (1/2” insert material)

Medium snaps are for 3/4″ hoops (5/8” insert material)

Large snaps are for 7/8″ and larger PE hoops (3/4” insert material and larger)

Universal Straight Leg snaps are for 5/8” and 3/4″ hoops (1/2” and 5/8” insert material)


Small Coil vs. Large Coil & How to Stretch and Store Tubing

Small coil is wound on a smaller hub, so the diameter of the coil is much smaller and can fit in a smaller box- the main reason the cost is much lower. Large coils are larger in diameter and make it much easier to make larger hoops out of since you do not need to stretch the tubing.

Large Coil

Large Coil

Most people, however, still choose to use small coil and stretch it out themselves. This can be done by opening the coil of tubing as soon as you receive it (cut the tape and ties off). Many people leave the coil flat on the floor to expand on it’s own, which works great for HDPE tubing. For polypro tubing you may need to coil the tubing around a large object such as a box, etc…

Whatever coil size you choose, make sure to cut the flat parts off both ends of the tubing. This wastage is common in hoop making and each coil is a few feet longer than 100’ to allow for these flat parts to be cut off. Coils should be stored reconnected with a piece of insert material to keep the round shape of the ends, and can be stored flat on the ground or you can hang them with bungee cords on a rack!

Small Coil

Small Coil

Additional information regarding tubing sizes and the comparison of Polypro & HDPE can be found in our guide here!

Insert Material

There are various types of insert material available in the hoop world today. The most popular type of connector is polycarb, for it provides a very straight and sturdy connection so that the hoop will not bend at the connector. Polypro and HDPE may also be used in hoops that won’t quite work with polycarb inserts, and can make great connections as well.

As always, please feel free to contact us with additional questions. We are here to help at all points in your hoop making journey!

Community, fresh and new, Hooping and life wisdom, Millennial

Hooping as a Millennial

Amber Lane balances her hoop in front of the Iconic Flatirons in Boulder, Colorado.

Amber Lane balances her hoop in front of the Flatirons in Boulder, CO.

Hi, I’m a Millennial. There, I said it. I’m glad we got that out of the way, because despite this culturally persecuted aspect of who I am, I am also a hooper. But what exactly does it mean to be a hooper ostensibly lost in the pool of often confused and downtrodden millennials? It means I have a home to turn to when I find myself feeling overwhelmed. When I’m craving connection. When I’m craving a sense of security – something that effectively escapes me frequently throughout the day when I begin thinking about the mountain of student debt weighing down on me. My hoop is always there to hug me while dancing away my worries, and having this as a tool has proven life-altering while trying to navigate these tempestuous gen-y waters.

We, as millennials, are facing countless struggles largely unheard of in previous generations. We are well on our way to becoming the most educated, yet most underpaid generation in history. On average, we are making about 10% less than the median wages reported in 2000 – and that was almost twenty years ago – which means that when inflation is taken into consideration, is absolutely abysmal. This wage gap, however, is not only reflected among college attendees. Many who didn’t attend college are experiencing an even greater wage adversity because of the decline in the various jobs they tend to take on like manufacturing, etc… While these financial and economic woes are significant, it is just as critical to recognize that gen-y is struggling with the highest levels of clinical depression, anxiety, and stress than any other generation did at the same age. On top of it all, we are in the midst of a shifting, volatile political atmosphere, and are continually criticized, gaslighted, and attacked by many people in older generations who claim we are lazy, entitled, self-absorbed… the list goes on. All of these factors, when combined, invariably lead to the identity crises many of us are experiencing.

So how do we deal when these realities come crashing down around us? We hoop, of course! Yet it is also important to keep in mind that many of us are not just hoopers – we are yogis, we meditate, we are music lovers and adventurers, we are teachers, we are travelers, and we have a thirst for knowledge. All of these activities and qualities have something tremendously important in common, though – community. The hoop community itself is especially incredible, and I have witnessed so many amazing things being a part of it over the last seven years. The sense of connection and acceptance that comes from being a part of this circle (pun intended ;), is unique and magical. We create instantaneous, loving connections with people from all walks of life, all over the world, simply because we all adore these small plastic circles. How entirely peculiar and enchanting? We lift each other up, offer our knowledge, and provide a space to truly let go of any misconceptions about who we think we are and should be, allowing us to ultimately be our truest selves. For within the unique flow of dancing with a hoop, we are able to experience a truly raw, authentic part ourselves that many of us never knew existed before we found hooping.

Hooping provides such a beautiful way to fill our cups and therapeutically address many emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual challenges and limitations both as an individual and as a society. Whether it assists with depression, weight loss, confidence, connection, etc…, our hoop is an amazing healing tool, and when we use it with this intention it has the ability to create focus and passion in our lives, extending far beyond the surface of simple play. It hones our reflexes and ability to find solutions, which are vital qualities in these tumultuous times. We have also continued to alter the inherent desire for wealth from one rooted in the material to one in the experiential, and while that is not exclusive to the spin community, there is definitely a correlation between the two. We continuously find ways to shift the paradigm we are living in as a generation, and being a part of a community such as hooping or spinning multiplies the motivation and inspiration we experience on a daily basis, thereby increasing our ability to create a better world to live in.

Navigating our place in the world as millennials can certainly be challenging given the backlash we experience from other generations while trying to thrive and carve a new path for society to walk. We have an advantage, however, when we surround ourselves with communities that inspire us to be our best selves. Underestimating the value of connection and its essential role in a prosperous society has proven a key reason we are experiencing such a turbulent era, but with this realization, we regain the power to re-connect with our fellow humans and show the world what it means to be compassionate and understanding. The equity we can create when we enter this mindset of connectedness is unparalleled. Hooping should not be taken for granted, no matter how far we may stray from it at various points in our lives. Even if we may wander from the physical practice at times, our tool belt remains more stocked because of it, which invariably betters the actual practice of being our best selves in everyday life. Remember your newfound tools, friends, and use them. This community is always here to support us when we need it.