image of Woman in meditative position in front of sun approaching flow state
Community, Hooping flow, Meditation, Meditative Hooping

Find Your Flow State with Hula Hooping

What is “flow state”?

Have you ever been so immersed in an activity that you lose all sense of the world around you? Your attention and focus are honed into the experience you are having, and a sense of peace and excitement takes you over completely. You’ve likely heard people refer to this as “being in the zone”, but that can conjure images of hyper focus and fiendish, hypnotic behavior. People experiencing hyper focus may be described as “captured” by a task, often appearing as though they find little enjoyment in the activity they’re doing. While flow state shares some qualities with hyper focus and is characterized by the complete absorption in the ongoing activity, the resulting transformation in one’s sense of time is positive. You lose yourself and move on instinct.

How do I find my flow state?

A common misconception is that you won’t be able to get into your flow state until you have been practicing for months or years, or that you’ll need to know quite a few tricks to show off… Others may say it is something you’ve got to go searching for because it won’t just come to you. That is not true! The moment you pick up that first hula hoop and feel the spark in your soul, you have the opportunity to have a transformative experience.

At Hoopologie, we are truly committed to inspiring our customers and creating a fantastic relationship with you. Hula hooping is an art form and an exceptional alternative to traditional fitness. Helping you find your FLOW is important to us and a part of our mission. Your journey starts with us.

Hooping for Physical Activity.

On top of all the incredible mental health benefits, there are many physical benefits of hula hooping you may not have considered. It’s not just a great activity for you, but one for the whole family! If you’ve got kids in your life, you may find a quick partner in crime when it comes to hooping. Getting started is easy, fun, and once you start you’ll quickly find it improves back pain, burns calories, and even helps you build confidence.

Hoop making is a great hobby.

Did you know you can make your own hula hoop? There is nothing quite like crafting and customizing your own hoop from start to finish. It is not as intimidating as it may sound, and once you have your supplies, you’re ready to go. Luckily, you don’t need to figure it all out on your own. Check out our video on how to make a beginner hula hoop for step-by-step visual instructions.

Finding your flow state is a truly liberating, thrilling experience, and will certainly help you fall even more in love with hooping. Set your mind free and allow yourself to completely explore your space and hula hoop. If you’re looking for more inspiration, you can find hours and hours of videos and tutorials by visiting the HOOPMAKERS University page.

Still have questions? Check out some of the Common Questions and Answers Regarding Hoop Making page and let us know if you’ve got something specific you’d like to know more about. We can’t wait to hear from you!



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