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Dance Scarab Hoops
Hoop Sizing, Hooping flow, Uncategorized

Dance Hoops Sizing

Hoop sizing can be one of the most challenging aspects of the hoop world for beginner hoopers (and sometimes even experienced hoopers!) to navigate. Given all the possible different sizes, types of tubing, and types of hoops, it is understandable that choosing a hoop can be intimidating as you begin hooping and eventually progress with your style and skill set. So where do you start?

As a beginner hooper it is very important to remember that one size does NOT fit all. However, one factor everyone should keep in mind is the necessity for a hoop that is large enough to learn the basics with, such as waist hooping. Because most of us are adults and not children, we tend to need much larger and heavier hoops than you will find at most toy stores. When the 

modern hoop phenomenon began, most hoopers were using very large hoops to enjoy on body hooping with, ranging from 38” to upwards of even 60” in diameter (some even larger!). These hoops are extremely enjoyable to use at any point in your hoop journey, but they are especially great for beginners because they move around the body at a much slower pace, and therefore make it easier to hoop with in general.

If a larger hoop is the kind you want to start out with, you should also consider your body size. Smaller hoopers can more easily hoop with smaller hoops- a 38” is a great general starting size! Curvier hoopers may want to try larger hoops up to 50” depending on body size again (I am fairly curvy and do just fine with a 38”). Another good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that a hoop that is very large will be much better than one that ends up being too small that you can’t use. PE hoops, in general, are made in these larger sizes and are wonderful for beginners and advanced hoopers alike who love on body hooping.

Keeping in mind the aforementioned rule that one size does not fit all, some beginner hoopers may choose to start off with a smaller hoop made of HDPE or even polypro. When I first started hooping I didn’t know where to find a hoop to use, so I just got one of the small, water filled hoops from a toy store. However, those are a pain in more ways than one, so if you do want to start with a smaller hoop we do recommend purchasing a nice hoop from a reputable hoop maker! Another great way to figure out the size and type of hoop you want is to try your friends’ hoops or attend a local hoop jam where there will be dozens of hoops to try!

As you progress with your hooping you may find yourself wanting to downsize- or not! It is important to not ever feel pressured to use a certain sized hoop just because many people are. Use what feels good for YOU and your body. My favorite hoop is still a 38” polypro, which is huge compared to the hoops most modern, advanced hoopers use. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can keep hoops of all different sizes around for different types of play, or for what you may feel in the mood for on a certain day.

If you do feel the desire to start downsizing, going by 2” in diameter at a time is a good rule of thumb. So for example, if you started with a 38”, your next hoop could be 36”, and so on. Experimenting with 3/4” and 5/8” tubing is also something you can do. Many people in the community tend to like 5/8” more since it is smaller and weighs less, but 3/4” tubing is still wonderful as well (I always prefer 3/4″!). Many people like to downsize to much smaller hoops for the off body hooping style that has becomes so popular.

Along with downsizing, as you progress you may find yourself wanting to experiment with different types of hooping such as using doubles, minis, or multiples: 3, 4, 5 hoops or more! Again, experimenting to see what sizes you like for these styles is very important. Minis can range anywhere from about 16” to 24”, and doubles and multiples can range anywhere from about 25” to 38”. It varies depending on what you want to do with your hoops. Larger hoops will be good for multi-hooping on-body, while smaller hoops will be easier to control for off body manipulation.

Amber Lane of Lucid Hooping at the Spin Summit 2014

In conclusion, hoop sizing is a huge topic for discussion. Large hoops are wonderful for beginning with if that is your main concern, but as you advance, keep in mind that every hooper has their own style and preferences. Experimentation is key to finding that perfect fit for YOU, whether it is a tiny 27” hoop, or a much larger 40” hoop. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions you have regarding sizing! We are always happy to help!

Ambassadors, Hooping and life wisdom, Kate Ryan

HoopStar’s Code of Conduct Part Two



HoopStars Code of Conduct Part Two

For those of you just joining, this is part two of the HoopStar’s Code of Conduct written by Kate Ryan, Canadian Hoopologie Ambassador. Catch up with the introduction in part one here.

Hey Hoopers! Welcome back to the HoopStar’s Code of Conduct; Part Two. The HoopStar’s Code is a collection of ideologies, or the “How to Succeed without Really Trying” Chapter created from both personal and collective experiences in the industry I work in (performance art/ entertainment). It is the simplest way I could share the “quick fixes”, as to how one could succeed in finding their happy place.

It is what being a role model, and Ambassador means to me.

These are the lessons learned, ideas shared, and practices that myself, and many others have experienced in the wonderful world of HoopStars (all spinners and sinners included!).

So, lets get to it!


HoopStar’s Code of Conduct

3. Perception & Perfection

Perception: “a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression”.

Perfection: “the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects”.

                I always wanted to be a performer. Growing up I had dreams to succeed in dance and performance art (as well as a million other dreams, a fairly imaginative kid I was). I wanted to be recognised for the work that I could create. Performing in front of the mirror; I would sing and dance pretending I was on the television. I remember singing Disney songs to my mom when I was just 8 years old. I believed I was meant to be on stage, what a cliché. I loved to make people laugh, make them smile, and inspire them to move.


Watching videos of dancers, gymnasts, anyone who moved… moved me. I would whisper to myself “I want to be just like them, I want to be a dancer”.

These people had found themselves entirely in their own bodies of work and I too wanted to find myself in the things I was passionate. As I aged, I grew to compare myself to others and by doing so I was unknowingly taking away from my own potential.

The more we tell ourselves “I want be someone else”, the less of ourselves we will ever be.

Based on my lack of credentials I was convinced I would never make it as a professional dancer. Realisically I would never be good enough. Despite this three years ago I started training, fully under the impression that it was far too late to have a chance at a ‘career’. My lines would never be perfect, my toes would never point and no matter how hard I trained there was always someone who made it ‘look’ easier. Criticism aside, I did enjoy dancing and it made me happy. It was only my own perception that made me feel like it wasn’t enough.

I needed to believe I was a dancer, maybe a late bloomer but capable of excelling. So I would tell myself over and over again ‘YOU are enough’. And even if i didn’t believe it sometimes, I would keep on reminding myself.

 The change of heart can be found in how we view, practice and set our intentions of moving forward. 

Even with four years experience on the high beams I still was an awkward kid. Picked last in gym class, I had no rhythm. But I believed that I was graceful. It wasn’t until my vulnerable teenage years that I allowed others to sow seeds of doubt in me.

Today I percieve myself not as perfect but as able. I am able to be the woman who I had always dreamed of, and in this I feel confident enough to move forward.

I allow myself to Shape Me.

…and as my sister’s husband admitted to me last weekend “for a Ryan girl, you’ve actually got grace”. I think it is working.


Perception is an essential tool in creating your happiness.

There are days when you wake up and feel as if you will never be good enough. And then there are days, moments before you step on stage where you feel more in control than ever. You feel your body as your own best friend. Those are the days where you can feel at home in your heart.

That is the perception of self.

There are days when I grow to accept I will never be Julianne Hough, and days where I happily accept being me, Kate Ryan. There are days when I feel years behind, regretful that I had dropped out of gymnastics and damaged my potential. Then there are days when I feel for a moment I do embody some elegant ballerina, who studied and practiced for years. I look in the mirror and see myself as graceful and capable.

Perfection may be defined by the book as “the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects”However freedom is not a part of perfection. It is the exact opposite. You will never be free of your flaws or defects; these are the things that make us different. We wouldn’t want to free ourselves from the little things that make us unique.


I will never be perfect.

I will never be free of my knobbly knees, or wobbly toes.

And I wouldn’t want to be either.

When we let go of our expectations to be ‘perfect’ we allow ourselves to authentically BE.

I see myself as both a dancer and a clown. I embrace the body in which I am feeling into every day and every day is different.

If I chose to embrace the woman who I see myself as tomorrow, today, she lives right here and now.

It is a matter of perceiving ourselves as able beings, it is the moment we stop comparing ourselves to others and embrace who we are at the very core.

The moment I began to experiment with my potential (no matter who thought otherwise) was the moment I could truly breathe. It is a matter of accepting where we are in the moment, and potentially making a huge mess of it.

Make it messy, and have all the fun!!

You are capable of living to your fullest potential, and today that is more than enough.